In early March, 2019, we noticed that Harold came back from a walk with a hind foot slightly bloody. Our vet said that it appeared that the nail had raised up from the bed a bit. They put him on a course of antibiotics and packed the area with a cauterizing powder. We were advised to watch it for a few days and advise them of any change..
Fast forward to the next (last) week and Mom found a red swelling on his toe that was identified as a tumor. Surgery was scheduled for the next morning along with a biopsy of the growth. I’m writing this on Saturday the 23rd while waiting for the biopsy results early this next week.
The gallery shows his various states of being (some happy, some distressed). He’s on powerful pain meds and something to coat his stomach as he tossed his stomach contents while intubated. It could have been the meds, but it hasn’t recurred.
We are all praying hard for the boy and we’ll update this post as soon as we know something.
Click the picture to open the gallery.